Parent's Meetings & Communications


Parent Hub

At AYJS, we use the Parent Hub app to communicate with our parents and carers. Parent Hub is a messaging system that ensures that all school letters and updates are delivered to our parents and carers via the app, email and when needed, text. A copy of all letters sent out on Parent Hub are also uploaded to our website. We strongly recommend that all parents/carers download the app.

Please see the document below for download instructions. Please contact the school via the school office if you need any assistance. 

Parent Hub Letter and Download Instructions


A copy of all school letters sent out each week can be found on our website here.

Paper Copies

We are working towards a paperless office but there are times when we do need to send out paper copies of a letter. These will be sent home with your child in their book bags.

Online Safety

The National Curriculum states that we are to ‘ensure that pupils become  digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.’

One strand of the KS2 computing curriculum is for children to ‘use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.’  This builds on the KS1 strand to ‘use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.’

It can be difficult for adults and parents to keep up with the increasingly advancing changes of technology and so can cause worry.

Below is a collection of guides we believe to be suitable for our parents as we are aware that there are some children in school using these social media platforms and online games. 

Online Safety Presentation for Parent Forum

Below are links to useful websites for parents about Internet safety and Setting up parental control on devices.


Our school uniform is smart and practical. On PE days, or days where children attend a sports club, children will come to school dressed in their PE Kit.  All items should be clearly named so that if found, an item can be returned to its owner. We would be grateful that parents check name labels periodically.

School Uniform Policy – AYJS (June 2024)

School Uniform

*Purple sweatshirt/cardigan/white polo shirt

Black school trousers/black school tailored shorts/black school skirt

Purple gingham dress (Summer)

*these items can bear the school logo and can be purchased from Emblazon


PE Kit

White T-shirt

Black shorts/black jogging trousers

Black sweatshirt (not a hoodie)



Training shoes appropriate for sport.

School Bag


Pencil case – small enough to fit in a drawer


Earrings, fashion items, jewellery and hair

The wearing of jewellery is not encouraged in school for health and safety reasons.

  • Earrings should be plain studs only and removed for PE lessons.
  • Watches and fitness trackers (no smart watches) can be worn but must be removed in PE lessons.
  • Coloured nail varnish and ‘body transfers’ should not be worn in school.
  • Hair should be tied back where there may be a safety risk i.e. PE, Design and Technology, Science

Please see the Uniform Policy on the website for more information.


Uniform Provider – Emblazon

Our school uniform is available to purchase all year round from Emblazon through the shop or

School Day

Arriving at School

We actively encourage children to walk or cycle to school. Alternatively, there is a Park & Stride Scheme. Children are not permitted to enter the school via the car park under any circumstances.


In a normal school week, the school day is timetabled in the following way:

8.35amGates open and children arrive at school
8.45amClassroom doors open
8.50amRegistration (closes at 9.00am)
9.00am – 9.15amWorship
9:15am – 10:15amLesson 1
10:15am – 10:30amBreak
10.30am – 11.30amLesson 2
11.30am – 12 noonLesson 3
12 noonLunchtime
1.00pmStart of afternoon school
3.10pmGates open – (Y3/4) 3.10pm (Y5 and Y6) 3.15pm (Parents onto the Playground)
3.20pmSchool ends

If a child arrives after the register has closed, a late mark will be given.
Please see the Attendance and Punctuality Policy on the website for more information.

Lunch Menu

Lunchtime is from 12 noon until 1.00pm. Children may either have a school dinner, bring a packed lunch, or go home for lunch. The overwhelming majority of children have a school lunch. School dinners are freshly prepared and cooked on the premises and are healthy and appetizing. Pupils have a choice of a vegetarian option each day. School dinners should be paid for in advance using ParentPay. 

Packed lunches should be sent in an appropriate container. The food should be such that your child can manage to eat it himself/herself at lunchtime. Water will be provided. Children are encouraged to finish their lunch. Fizzy drinks, canned drinks, glass bottles and flasks must not be brought to school.

Our aim is for the school to be a ‘NUT FREE ZONE’ as we have a number of children and staff who are allergic to nuts. We ask parents not to send anything containing nuts to school in packed lunches. In addition, for children who have school dinners, while all reasonable precautions are taken to ensure all products supplied by our caterers are free from nuts, we cannot guarantee this to be the case as products may be subject to external influences which cannot be controlled.

A team of Midday Supervisory Assistants look after the children in the dining room and on the playground during the lunchtime break. The Headteacher and senior teaching staff retain overall control of the arrangements.


Catering Provision – NYES Catering

Meals will be provided by NYES Catering who are a specialist catering provider within the education sector.  Meal prices are £3.40 for a pupil meal.

Please see the Autumn Term menu below.  Please note that in addition to the main meal options on the menu children also have the daily option of a jacket potato, panini or a pasta pot.

If your child requires a special diet or has an allergy, please contact the school office and we will send you a Special Diet/Allergy (SD1) form to complete.  Alternatively, please find the SD1 form below. This form should be returned to the school office, accompanied by a copy of the signed referral letter from a medical professional.


We use an Online Income Collection system called ParentPay to collect dinner monies, trips and activities. This is of huge benefit to both you and the school as we move towards a cashless office.


The school will provide you with account activation details but should you need any further assistance please feel free to contact us via the school office. For more information about ParentPay, please visit ParentPay


Please read the document ‘Medicines in Schools – A Parent Guide’ below. Children are not allowed to carry their own medication. Should your child need to be given medicine by staff, please complete ‘Form 3: Parent/Carer Agreement for School to Administer Medicine‘ and hand the form and the medicine in to the School Office. Should your child need to carry his/her medicine during the school day (eg an inhaler) please complete a ‘Form 7: Managing Medicines in School‘ and hand this in to the School Office. All forms are also available from the School Office.

School Clubs

Years: Year 4, 5 and 6

Times: Monday, 15:20 – 16:20

Art Club takes place after-school on Monday afternoons. It is open to children from Years 4, 5 and 6 and there are 20 spaces available. The club is run by freelance illustrator Lucy Monkman: Each term the children look at different ways of working and they explore different areas of art. The work of one particular artist or art movement is also usually explored each term. All the materials are provided.

Years: All

Times: Thursdays, During School Hours

Cost: Free

Wednesday Singers is open to everyone and offers the chance to come together as a singing ensemble to explore expression and creativity through song to lift the heart, enrich the soul – and have fun doing it!  We will explore a diverse range of songs and explore singing for learning to create musical memory pathways across the curriculum; improve mental alertness; boost energy; and build confidence and teamwork.  To hear singing again in school will be wonderful!  

Years:   Year 5 / Year 6 (Not all year)

Times:  Thursday, 15.20 – 16.20 pm

Cost:     Free

Code club is run by an Anne Carlill, an outside provider, and supported by Mrs Clarke. Children will have the chance to use coding to create games, animations and much more using Scratch. The children can progress through beginners and intermediate levels in programming and coding. Limited to 10 places

Years: All Years

Times: Tuesday, 15.20 – 16.20

Cost: £5.00 per session


Musical Theatre with Let’s Dance at AYJS

Jennifer Smith RAD RTS

Jennifer Smith is a professionally trained dancer with teaching qualifications in Ballet, Tap and Modern ISTD.  For the past two years she has been training with the Royal Academy of Dance and is now a qualified Royal Academy of Dance Ballet teacher in association with the Royal Ballet.

“I am delighted to be starting a Musical Theatre club at AYJS.  I want to pass on as much knowledge as I can in Musical Theatre.  Each class will start with an appropriate warm up and then we will work on developing technique.  The students will learn choreography and work towards a final performance.”

Years: Year 6

Times: Monday, 15.20 – 16.20

Cost: Free

Drama club is led by Mrs Carrington. Children develop their dramatic skills in lots of fun ways and have the opportunity to work towards taking part in a production during the year.


Years: Mixed Group

        -Year 5 & 6 Spring Term 1

        -Year 3 & 4 Spring Term 2

Times: Wednesday, 15:20 – 16:20

Cost:  £4.00 per session


York City FC Foundation offers after school clubs that are fun, inclusive and enjoyable. Based around football activities & challenges children will have the chance to develop their agility, balance, co-ordination and teamwork skills with YCFC Foundation coaches. The ASC will also include small sided matches where the children can show the coaches what they have been learning and practicing each week. This club is open to all abilities and skill levels.

Years: All

Times: Monday Lunchtime 12:00 to 12:45 (From September to end of October, then February to July)

Limited to 15 children

We have  nine raised beds in the school grounds, a shed for keeping tools etc and are surrounded by apple trees. The children help keep the said beds in tip top condition – weeding, digging and planting and caring for crops. We plant broad beans, swiss chard and red onions which we grow over winter, ready for Spring. In Spring, we also grow carrots, potatoes, peas, runner beans, a salad crop ie leaves or lettuce, beetroot and cabbage. Once their crops have come to fruition the children take the produce home.

Donations of seeds full or part packets are most welcome. If you are a parent/carer and would like to help, please contact the office team on 01904 551630.


The Gardening teamVina, John and Judith.


Years: All – Some musical experience required

Times: Monday, Lunchtime 12:30  – 13:00 pm

Cost: Free 

The Guitar group is open to all guitarists of grade 1 standard and above. It will take place on Monday lunchtime and will play music arranged by myself for the players available. The music will cover a wide range of styles from modern pop music to Bach Chorales and everything in between. We will of course be learning carols at Christmas and trying to find opportunities to play in public.



Years: All

Times: Friday, Lunchtime 12:30  – 13:00 pm

Cost: Free

Jam club offers the opportunity to explore Christian faith in a fun way. We learn about Bible heroes and great stories and how these can help us and support us to lead our lives. We play games, do crafts and quizzes, enjoy singing and listening to worship songs and music, pray together and have a great time! We will be meeting in the Reflection area whenever we can so we can enjoy this lovely outdoor space . When it is chilly or wet we will meet in the hall. We are hoping that lots of children will come and join in every Friday. We will have a special welcome for new year 3 children.

Years: All

Times: Mondays – 8:00-8.45am – All Years

Shooting Stars Netball Club is returning to AYJS this term with Head Coach and York Puma’s Goal Defence star player Faye Orton leading the sessions! Come and train with us before school starts! We even have a team kit you can purchase to train in!

Learn how to pass and receive the ball correctly, how to play each position effectively, how to work as a team to achieve your goals while stopping the opposition scoring, and how to move effectively off the ball so you can always be relied upon to be there for your teammates!


We provide bibs and balls, but please ensure your children bring a drink along! Open to boys and girls, we KNOW you will absolutely love the competitive element that Netball club brings, while our sessions also cater for complete beginners, who can feel a part of a new team which might stay together throughout their time at AYJS and also at secondary school as your children move up together! Netball really is a ‘game for life’

Times: Thursday 3.20pm – 4.20pm 

Cost: £3.50 per session

York City Knights After School Rugby Club will be running a Rugby Club at AYJS. This Club is an introduction into Primary Rugby League for mixed abilities for both boys and girls. Each week is themed and will help to develop movement skills centered around a specific technique, for example how to correctly hold a Rugby ball. The skills will help children to develop their confidence and ability to play the game. Please note all sessions will be non-contact based. Limited places and will be given on a first come first served basis.

Years: All

Times:  Tuesday: 08:00 – 08:45 – Year 3

Thursday: 08:00 – 08:45 – Year 4 

Friday: 08:00 – 08:45 – Years 5 & 6

Cost: £5/week


ABC Tennis will be back in school this Autumn Term led by York’s Head Coaches Ben Orton and Rob Hodge, delivering before school tennis clubs designed to improve your children’s agility, balance, coordination, and racquet skills in readiness to become brilliant tennis stars of the future! Our sessions are fun and engaging and suitable for all levels and abilities. We provide all the equipment, but please bring your child’s own tennis racquet and refreshments if you so wish!


Expect to learn how to play all the strokes; how to score and compete; what we mean by the ‘spirit of the game’ and how before we win, we must first lose (lots!)  to improve! Come with your friends for an invigorating, energy-packed session where games and scenario-based tennis are at the heart of each lesson! With discounted places on all 2021/2022 ABC-Tennis holiday camps on offer for attendees, there is plenty of tennis on offer! We can’t wait to see you there! Session cost: £5/week: paid termly upfront via BACS transfer

We have a group of peripatetic music teachers that come into our school and give lessons to our chidren. For further information and contact details please see our Music Teachers page.

Music Teachers

Brass and Woodwind teacher.

Instrumental tuition is through Music in Schools (York) and they charge a small fee. For more information please see the booklet below or visit the website.

Mr Marcus Bousfield

Marcus Bousfield offers Guitar and Violin lessons during school hours on Mondays.


Marcus studied Violin with Haroutune Bedelian at Chethams school of Music in Manchester and with Erika Klemperer at the Guildhall School of Music in London. He studied Guitar with Fred T. Baker at the Birmingham Conservatoire of Music.


He has worked as a freelance musician in both this country and abroad travelling as far afield as South Africa. He has been an instrumental teacher in York for the past 16 years and plays with several ensembles and orchestras including the English National Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra. He has performed with renowned international artists, including soprano Angel Blue and tenor Alfie Boe.


He has written and recorded string parts for groups including Ben Bruce (Asking Alexandria) and Shed Seven. His quartet performed for the Queen on her recent visit to York and has appeared on BBC Television and Radio.

His previous pupils have gone on to become professional musicians in both teaching, performing and record producing.


Marcus holds an Associate of Trinity College London and is working towards a fellowship.


He is listed on the City of York Council’s Approved Teachers Register.


Mr Andy Jennings

Andy Jennings runs our Drumming lessons which are held on a Friday during school hours.


Since graduating from the University of Salford in 2004, Andy has worked as a professional/semi-professional musician and as a peripatetic drum tutor. He has been fortunate enough to have toured central Europe extensively and to have played as far afield as America, Canada and Mexico.  Andy has played in venues from Murrayfield to Shepherds Bush Empire to Reading & Leeds Festivals, supporting artists such as Bryan Adams, Kings of Leon, Paulo Nutini and Elbow along the way.


Lessons are designed to focus on what the individual needs and can cover a wide range of musical genres; from rock bands to orchestras and everything in between. From beginners to advanced,  Andy tutors players of all ages at a pace to suit the individual.


Further information can be found at 

or you can contact Andy directly on



As a school we raise funds for lots of different charities through the year.


FBJS (our friends organisation) raise money for the school every term. In the past this has been through cycle rides, discos, fairs and barbecues. We often raise funds for special charities especially at the carol singing evening at Christmas and also at Harvest Festival or when visitors come into assembly.


We are always looking for new books to add our our library, The Burrow. Please see our wishlist.


Occasionally the school needs help for special things such as stock for the new library or kit for sports teams – if you would like to consider sponsorship please get in touch with Mr Green via the via the school office.

Pupil Premium/FSM

Pupil Premium and registering for free school meals 

Some of the funding schools receive, called Pupil Premium, is based on the number of children who qualify for: 

  • Ever 6 free school meals (pupils recorded as eligible for free school meals at the time of the October census, or at any point in the previous 6 years) 
  • Children adopted from care or who have left care 
  • Looked-after children 
  • Ever 6 service children (Service children who have a parent who services in the HM Forces) 

We use this money to employ and train additional staff to support children in the development of their learning and social skills. This helps children to maximize their potential. Part of the core funding schools receive is also determined by the number of pupils eligible for and claiming free school meals. More details about how much the school spends pupil premium can be found on our website

Should you qualify it will therefore be advantageous to your child / children and the School. If you are eligible but decide for your child / children not to have the meals, they and the school would still benefit from the extra funding. It may be that your circumstances change during the time your child is at the school and you may become eligible for Free School Meals.  

You may be entitled to register your child / children for Free School Meals if you receive any one of these benefits: 

  • Income Support 
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance 
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance 
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 
  • the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit  
  • Child Tax Credit combined with both a household income below £16,190 per annum and are not entitled to Working Tax Credit, or 
  • Universal Credit 

If you think you qualify, you can apply for free school meals via the City of York Council’s Parent Portal using your existing account. Alternatively, a form is available from the school office or by contacting the City of York Council’s Schools Services Team on 01904 551554 or via e-mail at [email protected]

If you are no longer in receipt of Working Tax Credit and your circumstances have changed or are about to change you would need to contact the helpline to obtain new proofs on 0345 300 3900. If you are in receipt of income based Jobseeker’s Allowance you would need to contact them to obtain a letter stating the start date of your benefit. Further information can be obtained in confidence from the School Office or from School Services at City of York Council on 01904 551554.

Holiday Clubs

Information Coming Soon

Family Courses for Parents

Family Matters York


Family Matters York is a charity working to strengthen relationships and build confidence within families.

Courses for November 2022


For visit the Family Matters York website please click here

Covid-19 Support

DFE (Department for Education)

The DFE have updated the guidance for parents to support their children’s remote education to provide more information for parents and carers as they support their children at home. They have added top tips for supporting children during remote education, including links to information about the Reading Well booklist that supports mental health. They have also provided information on how to access online resources and services through your local library and online support for parents and carers to keep children and young people safe from online harm. Please also see Education and Childcare guidance

York Family Learning Survey – Calling all parents and carers!

We’re running a survey to ask how you’ve been doing in these strange times ….what’s worked and what have been the challenges? What you have to say now is more important than ever in this third lockdown stage. We’ll be sharing survival tips and individual shout outs on our Family Learning York Facebook page as well as passing general findings to schools and pre-school settings so that we can all improve our support for you. If you have pre school or primary school age children in the York area, please give us 5-10 minutes of your time to complete this survey. We are having prize draws each half term to win special packs of books – so the sooner you do it, the more chances you have to win! Thank you from Fiona and the Family Learning Team. Please Click here to start.


Learning at Home – created in collaboration with teachers and educational experts, its videos and interactive activities cover core subjects and other topics on the school curriculum. 


Oak National Academy

Oak National Academy was created by teachers from schools across England in response to school closures.

Education Endowment Foundation

The EEF  have released new resources to support schools and parents to make the most of home learning. 


7 Top Tips to Support Reading at Home: Helping families have fun with reading. Adapted from the EEF guidance reports, Preparing for Literacy and Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools. Reading support for EY/primary parents.

Diocese of York

 See all the resources that the diocese are recommending for work with children and young people.

NATRE (National Association of Teacher of Religious Education)

NATRE have put together some free resources.

Online Safety

See our collection of useful guides and links on our Online Safety page.  Please also see activity packs released by If you are using Zoom please see the document below to ensure you are using it safely: NPCC Secure Zoom

To help support families during the coronavirus pandemic, CYC’s educational psychology team has created a booklet with information about how parents can look after their own emotional health, and support their children, which you may find useful:

Parents – Looking after Yourself Looking after your Children


“Extra mental health support for pupils and teachers” 

Read the article here. Advice and information on mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak can be found here.

Links to sites offering reassurance to young people about Covid-19.


Other Useful Websites and Resources:


  • Headspace is offering a lot of free guided meditations and mindfulness sessions at the moment, that might be helpful for young people and parents.
  • Stop, Breathe & Think  – The app for meditation & mindfulness, has a unique approach that allows you to check in with your emotions
  • Clear Fear – Award winning app to help anxiety using cognitive behaviour techniques.




School Wellbeing Services: We are aware that many young people and families are experiencing worries about the current situation. This is our Helpful Workbooks to give children positive activities to consider for their emotional wellbeing:


Different children will deal with situations in different ways. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution to supporting kids through the pandemic, so make sure you have regular chats to scope how they’re coping.  SWS have developed a primary and secondary ‘managing uncertainty’ workbook:


This leaflet, which is specifically designed for pupils, explains what stress is, the causes of stress and how it can be reduced. Using child-friendly language, this leaflet is suitable to be given to pupils in order to help them understand and manage the emotions they may experience.

Loss and bereavement Resources and Guidance

  • If you or someone you know is gravely affected by the coronavirus outbreak, please read the ‘Support for the bereaved‘ – information provided by the government to help bereaved families, friends or next of kin make important decisions.
  • Bereaved Children Support York will currently not be meeting for their monthly drop-in sessions or parents coffee but they can be contacted using their social media platforms on Facebook ,Twitter or email.
  • Child Bereavement UK:  Information on supporting pupils with issues surrounding bereavement.
  • Camhs: supporting pupils with emotional and mental health difficulties. 
  • Cruse Bereavement Care: a range of resources that can help you to navigate your own loss or to support someone else’s. They offer support for those who have been bereaved by the virus, or who are dealing with a bereavement and struggling to do this on alone. The helpline 0808 808 1677 is available Monday-Friday 9.30am-5pm (excl. bank holidays), with extended hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, until 8pm.
  • St. Leonard’s Hospice: trained volunteer staff who are offering bereavement support    
  • The local HealthWatch: produced a Mental Health Support Directory, with a range of information about support offers (on page 24)
  • The local Major Incident Response Team offers bereavement support, as well as a range of other support available online
  • North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum: an information leaflet, which signposts support available for those requiring funeral services and bereavement support during the pandemic.
  • Young Minds


Loss and bereavement – resources to support children and young people

Keeping fit

  • Try to take time to go outside for fresh air once a day. It can be a way to take a break from spending time with family members if you feel you need to.
  • Joe Wicks’ PE lessons “PE with Joe” are streamed live on Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9am three days a week for 20 minutes.

  • For those who want to ease themselves back into movement, click here for some great options.
  • If you are looking for a challenge, try the couch to 5k.
  • Please also see our updated Sports page
  • See Living Streets  #Try20  tips for walking this month 

New guidance published on keeping children safe from abuse and harm

We have jointly published new guidance with the Home Office, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and Public Health England on keeping children safe from abuse and harm. This guidance brings together sources of information about the main risks children may be vulnerable to during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and signposts you to help and support available.

The guidance can be found here.


The DFE Coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline by calling:

Phone: 0800 046 8687 (Opening hours: 8am to 6pm – Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm – Saturday to Sunday)

If you have significant concern regarding a vulnerable pupil please contact MASH: 01904 551900, out of hours: 0845 0349417

If parents have questions regarding childcare, i.e. OOSC/PVI please go to: [email protected]

Any other issues, clarification or information please contact: [email protected]


Online radicalisation – Parent/guardian information and support

Online Radicalisation

Keeping children safe (Network Rail)

Due to the very high level of trespassing on the tracks by young people in your local area, Network Rail in partnership with Learn Live are working to help raise awareness to students across the UK educating them about the dangers of the train tracks through interactive digital delivery.  Network rail have asked us to share the relevant safety video with parents of students during this difficult time, to help educate students before going back to school and help to protect them while being off school. Please visit

Advice from Yorkshire Water about Water Safety:

In this current hot weather, people are often tempted to cool down by taking a swim in reservoirs or rivers. However, cold water can be a killer and we’d like to raise awareness of these risks amongst your school community. Cold water shock can lead to hyperventilation, increased blood pressure, breathing difficulties and heart attacks plus water temperatures remain just as cold in summer as in winter. Yorkshire Water is supporting the Float to Live safety message from the Royal National Life Saving Institute (RNLI).  In their hard-hitting video, they deliver advice on how to react should you become stricken in cold water.


#coldwaterkills  Everyone who falls unexpectedly into cold water wants to follow the same instinct, to swim hard and to fight the cold water. But when people fight it, chances are, they lose. Cold water shock makes you gasp uncontrollably and breathe in water, which can quickly lead to drowning. If students find themselves unexpectedly in the water, the message is to float until the cold water shock has passed and they will be able to control their breathing and have a far better chance of staying alive. Please share water safety advice with our young people to prevent further incidents occurring.



From West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service

Safety Advice for Dog Walkers

  • Avoid throwing sticks or balls near water for dogs – they will go after it if they think you want it back even if you’ve thrown it too far or into dangerous water

  • Never enter the water to try and save a dog – the dog usually manages to scramble out

  • Even dogs that like swimming can usually only swim for short bursts – keep an eye of your dog and don’t let it enter the water if it’s older or tired

  • If your dog loves the water keep it on a lead and make sure you have control to prevent it jumping into hazardous or unsafe areas

  • Remember the wet riverbanks, steep edges or jagged rocks can make it hard for a dog to scramble out and be a slip risk for owners

  • Don’t lean into water and try and lift your dog out – you can topple in

  • Dogs can have cold water shock too

  • If your dog has struggled in the water it may have inhaled water and should see a vet as dogs can drown after the event if water has entered the lungs


What to do if someone falls into deep water:

  • The first thing to do is call for help – straightaway. Call 999, ask for fire service and ambulance. The emergency services will need to know where you are. Accurate information can save precious minutes. If you have a smart phone and have location services or map tool enabled, this can help.

  • Don’t hang up – stay on the line but try and continue to help the person if appropriate.

  • Never ever enter the water to try and save someone. This usually ends up adding to the problem. If you go into the water you are likely to suffer from cold

  • Can the person help themselves? Shout to them ‘Swim to me’. The water can be disorientating. This can give them a focus.

  • Look around for any lifesaving equipment. Depending on where you are there might be lifebelts or throw bags – use them. If they are attached to a rope make sure you have secured or are holding the end of the rope so you can pull them in.

  • If there is no lifesaving equipment look at what else you can use. There may be something that can help them stay afloat – even an item such as a ball can help.

  • You could attempt to reach out to them. Clothes such as scarves can be used to try and reach or a long stick. If you do this lie on the ground so your entire body is safely on the edge and reach out with your arm. Don’t stand up or lean over the water– you may get pulled in.

  • Be mindful that if the water is cold the person may struggle to grasp an object or hold on when being pulled in.


For more information visit:


You can keep up to date with the latest information about the coronavirus response in York:


Diocese of York

The Diocese of York has a Coronavirus home page which has the latest advice, resources and news for local churches as they respond to the current Coronavirus outbreak as well as a Bereavement page.


York Learning

York Learning’s Family Learning team have put all sorts of activities onto their Facebook page and Instagram, including fun games, activities and recipes to try at home, a Wednesday afternoon “Ask the teacher” slot for all those maths questions and tips for managing stress in a Friday weekend wind-down.


Family Matters York

Parents experiencing issues with their children and anger can contact Family Matters via contact details on their website.